The size of the calculated necessary storage unit will be calculated by the size of the living space.
a 120 square meters apartment requires a 15 square meters box x 3 (height) = 45 cubic meters
a 80 square meters apartment = a 10 square meters box x 3 (height) = 30 cubic meters
a 40 square meters apartment = a 5 square meters box x 3 (height) = 15 cubic meters
Private clients must appear in person at the location of Box4all and bring a pasport/identity card, apartment address confirmation (card, account excerpt). A deposit will be paid (1 month rent).
Furthermore, the first periods rent for the storage unit becomes due immediately. By direct debit authorisation the amount will be deducted. The rent is tax free and is not reclaimable.
For business clients who are storing for the first time, the described on top is also valid. Moreover we need the certificate about the trade registration, as well as the sales tax number. The rent for the storage is charged with 19% tax and is certified. AND :You dont need to pay any administration costs !